Pandemic No Damper for All American Jersey Sale
In the months leading to the first weekend of November, Jersey breeders crossed their fingers, held their breath, and prayed the granddaddy of all Jersey events could again be held in Louisville, Ky. Prayers were answered with passage of the Kentucky Healthy Work Initiative, which sanctioned conduct of the All American Jersey Show and Sale with precautionary measures for the pandemic.
And though the year has been marked by uncertainty, one could bet the farm on what Jersey breeders would do. As they have the past 67 years, they loaded their trailers with the best-of-the-best for the All American, to parade on the green shavings in the show ring and cross the auction block at the sale.
The 68th All American Jersey Sale was conducted live in West Hall on November 8 in front of a limited audience. Jersey breeders across the globe had opportunity to view the sale live and bid through In all, 41 lots were struck off sold for an average of $7,060.98―eighth high for the series. More than half of the lots were elite heifer calves that sold for $6,786.36 on average. A high genomic young bull was also syndicated for $90,000. The 40 female lots sold for an average of $4,987.50.
The All American Jersey Sale article is also available for viewing as a PDF document.

Ahlem Pine Diamond 57049 was the high-selling female at $46,500, purchased by Bos Dairy and Vierra Dairy. Isaak Bos and Mark Brindeiro of Bos Dairy, left, receive the C. Scott Mayfield Memorial Trophy as buyers of the high seller. The 2020 National Jersey Queen Natalie Berry gives the C. L. Collins Jr. Memorial Award to consignor, Ahlem Farms Partnership, represented by Jonathan Merriam, third left. In the box are JMS Manager Greg Lavan, AJCA-NAJ Area Representative Danielle Brown and Auctioneer Chris Hill. Katarina Emerich is on the halter.
The previously mentioned young bull, BW Graduate, was syndicated by Select Sires Inc., Plain City, Ohio, and a group of 54 Jersey breeders. From his syndication, $40,000 was used to establish the Brentwood Farms Scholarship and $20,000 will be used to enhance the Jersey Youth Academy experience. Up to $60,000 in proceeds will be donated to round out the Jersey Youth Academy experience and fund national Jersey youth programs by his consignor and breeder, Brentwood Farms, Orland, Calif.
“Graduate” is backed by two of the breed’s most popular bulls on the top and bottom sides of his pedigree. He is sired by River Valley Cece Chrome-ET, GJPI +106, and out of a Very Good-88% daughter of JX Sunset Canyon Got Maid {5}-ET, GJPI +141. She ranks #118 among genotyped cows with a GJPI of +122. “Graduate” has GPTAs of +809M, +61F (+0.10%) and +41P (+0.05%) and is +1.7 for Type. He has a GJPI of +144.
Six generations of his maternal line have ranked #1 for JPI among their peers born in the same year. “Graduate’s” grandam, BW Isaac Claire K48121-ET, Excellent-90%, has three lactations over 18,700 lbs. milk and a top record of 3-0 269 3x 20,990 4.7% 987 4.0% 831 103DCR. She has more than 18 maternal sisters that are appraised Very Good or Excellent, all with records over 20,000 lbs. milk. Among them is JX BW Harris Claire K48345 {5}-ET, Excellent-92%, with 24,570 lbs. milk, 1,197 lbs. fat and 958 lbs. protein at 3-0.
“Graduate’s” third dam is a Very Good-89% daughter of SC Gold Dust Paramount Iatola-ET, GJPI -38, with an m.e. of 24,262―1,072―739 on her first lactation. His fourth dam, BW Centurion Peggy K798, Excellent-92%, has three records―all over 26,000 lbs. milk―and a top record of 3-7 365 3x 28,650 5.1% 1,471 3.3% 957 DHIR. She has 97 registered progeny to date.
His fifth dam, BW Avery Suzanne ET119-ET, Excellent-90%, has a pair of records over 26,000 lbs. milk and made her best record of 28,140 lbs. milk, 1,395 lbs. fat and 942 lbs. protein as a senior two-year-old. His sixth dam, BW Berretta Prize G525, Excellent-92%, has a four lactation m.e. average of 24,939―1,192―881 and 20 registered progeny. The next three dams have m.e. averages over 21,500 lbs. milk.

JX Bohnerts Pine Bella {6} was the third-high selling heifer at $14,200. She was purchased by Select Sires Inc., represented by Hobbs Lutz, second left, and consigned by Bohnert Jerseys, represented by Karen Bohnert, left. Also pictured are National Jersey Queen Natalie Berry and Lauren Albright, at the halter. In the box are Greg Lavan, Danielle Brown and Chris Hill.
High-Selling Female
The three high-selling females were slotted at the front of the catalog as Lot 1, Lot 2, and Lot 3. The high-seller, Ahlem Pine Diamond 57049, was purchased for $46,500 by the partnership of Bos Dairy and Vierra Dairy of Lovington, N.M. The November 2019 daughter of JX Ahlem Frisco Pine {6}-ET, GJPI +92, is plus for all measures of genetic merit. She has GPTAs of +649M, +45F (+0.06%) and +40P (+0.07%). She tested A2/A2 and ranks #168 for GJPI with an index of +137. Her maternal sister, JX Ahlem Stoney Diamond 55465 {4}-ET, ranks #8 on the list with a GJPI of +157.
Their dam is a Very Good-81% daughter of CDF Karbala Kwynn, GJPI +79, with a two lactation m.e. average of 21,417―1,073―834. She ranks for genetic merit among genotyped cows with a GJPI of +99. She has a maternal brother in A.I. and a maternal sister also ranked for genetic merit.
The grandam of “Diamond 57049” is Lost Hill Dimension Holly, Very Good-84%, winner of the 2016 Pot O’Gold Production Contest. She has 58 registered progeny and made 19,680 lbs. milk, 1,325 lbs. fat and 737 lbs. protein in her first lactation at 1-10.
The next four dams are appraised Very Good. The third dam of “Diamond 57049” is a Very Good-83% daughter of Schultz Rescue Headline, GJPI +5, with a top record of 4-3 305 18,120 4.7% 845 3.3% 604 98DCR. Her Very Good-83% fourth dam has 18,520 lbs. milk, 956 lbs. fat and 691 lbs. protein at 5-6. Her Very Good-84% fifth dam has two records over 18,000 lbs. milk. The next dam is appraised Very Good-86% and has an m.e. average of 19,756―834―711 on four lactations.
“Diamond 57049” was consigned and bred by Ahlem Farms Partnership, Hilmar, Calif.
Second High-Selling Female
Bos Dairy LLC also placed the last bid of $14,500 on the second high-seller, DG Bar Rowan 27518-ET. The three-month old heifer calf hails from the “Maid” cow family and is among the earliest daughters of the popular bull, Yosemite JLS Kwynn Rowan-ET, GJPI +108. Like the high selling female, she is plus for all genetic measures. She has GPTAs of +43M, +41F (+0.18%) and +20P (+).09%) and ranks among the top 1.5% heifers for GJPI with an index of +121. She tested A2/A2 and BB for cappa casein.
Her dam is a Very Good-82% “JX Got Maid {5}” daughter with a 365-day record of 20,260 lbs. milk, 1,115 lbs. fat and 792 lbs. protein at 1-11. She has a projected m.e. of 21,262―1,115―792 in her second lactation at 3-3. She has a maternal brother in A.I. and two Very Good maternal sisters ranked for genetic merit.
The grandam of “Rowan 27518” is a Very Good-86% daughter of Mainstream Iatola Sparky, GJPI +15, with a three lactation m.e. of 20,560―1,034―751. Her third dam, Sunset Canyon Valen I Maid 114-ET, Excellent-90%, has a two lactation m.e. average of 21,317―1,111―792. The next dam is Sunset Canyon Impuls L Maid 4-ET, Excellent-91%, with 22,730 lbs. milk, 1,310 lbs. fat and 847 lbs. protein at 3-11 and 63 registered progeny. The next dam is Sunset Canyon Lemvig Maid 4-ET, Excellent-93%. She has three lactations―all over 20,000 lbs. milk―and a top record of 5-2 365 30,508 7.0% 2,150 4.3% 1,302 DHIR. The next dam is the well-know Tenn Haug E Maid, Excellent-93%. She placed fourth in the 2015 Jersey Journal Great Cow Contest and has impacted the breed through numerous male descendants. She has a 365-day record of 26,014 lbs. milk, 1,820 lbs. fat and 1,107 lbs. protein at 6-0. The next eight dams are Very Good.
“Rowan 27518” was consigned and bred by De Groot Dairy Farms, Hanford, Calif.
Third High-Selling Female
JX Bohnerts Pine Bella {6} was the third high-selling female, purchased by Select Sires Inc. for $14,200. The nine-month-old “JX Pine {6}” daughter has GPTAs of +178M, +54F (+0.21%) and +37P (+0.14%) and ranks among the top 1.5% for GJPI with an index of +125.
She is from the same cow family as the third high-selling female of the 2019 All American Jersey Sale. The dam of “Bella {6}” is a Very Good-83% “JX Got Maid {5}” daughter with a projected m.e. of 19,800―1,000―750 on her first lactation at 1-8. She ranks #105 among genotyped cows with a GJPI of +123. The next dam is a Very Good-80% daughter of JX Faria Brothers GSP {3}-ET, GJPI +69, with an m.e. average of 22,461―1,184―890 on two records. Her Excellent-90% third dam, sired by All Lynns Louie Valentino-ET, GJPI +9, has a top record of 3-10 303 3x 23,860 5.1% 1,221 4.1% 980 99DCR. Her fourth dam has a five lactation m.e. average of 19,877―977―727. Her fifth dam is appraised Very Good-87% and has an m.e. average of 19,241―901―771 on two lactations.
“Bella {6}” was consigned and bred by Bohnerts Jerseys of East Moline, Ill.

Misty Meadow Dairy, represented by Rita and David Hogan, fourth left and second right, and their daughters, Kristin Kilgore, third left, and Becky Heimerl, right, purchased the fourth high-selling female, Lost-Brooke Choice Love Struck, for $11,200. She was consigned by the partnership of Crestbrooke and Lost Elm, represented by Kristin A. Paul, AJCA Director of Field Services, left. Also pictured are Queen Berry and Baylee Bowen, on the halter. Lavan, Brown and Hill are in the box.

$4,200 was raised for the Charlene Nardone National Jersey Queen Fund from the auction of JX Jazzy Minko 8404 {4}, donated by Endres Jazzy Jerseys, represented by Sydney Endres, far left. In her final auction, she was purchased by Sexing Technologies. Pictured with the heifer are Caroline Arrowsmith, National Jersey Queen Natalie Berry, Kylie Konyn, Sydney Brady at the halter, Rita, Kristin Hogan Kilgore, David Hogan (who purchased her initially then redonated her) and Becky Hogan Heimerl. In the box are Greg Lavan, JMS Manager, Danielle Brown, AJCA-NAJ Area Representative, and Chris Hill, auctioneer.
Fourth High-Selling Female
A fancy-pedigreed heifer calf brought the fourth high price for females when she was struck off for $11,200 to Misty Meadow Dairy of Tillamook, Ore. Lost-Brooke Choice Love Struck was consigned by the partnership of Crestbrooke and Lost Elm of Fond du Lac, Wis.
The July 2020 daughter of River Valley Cece Choice, GJPI +25, is backed by six Excellent dams and a pair of Very Good-89% dams. On sale day, she was the third-high heifer in the breed for Genomic Jersey Udder Index (GJUI) and the top-ranked “Choice” daughter for the index. Today, she has a GJUI of +27.9 and is +2.1 for Type. She tested A2/A2 as well.
“Love Struck’s” dam is an Excellent-90% daughter of IGL Santana Torpedo-ET, GJPI +12, with an m.e. of 23,868―992―807 on her first lactation at 1-10. Her Very Good-89% grandam, sired by BW Citation A-ET, GJPI +51, has an m.e. of 22,534―1,006―798 on her 2-5 record. The third dam is an Excellent-92% daughter of BW Karbala-ET, GJPI +11, with 18,780 lbs. milk, 957 lbs. fat and 700 lbs. protein at 1-6.
The fourth dam of “Love Struck” is Goldust Legion Leanna, Excellent-94%. She has five complete lactations―four of them over 20,900 lbs. milk―and a top record of 7-6 305 27,390 8.0% 2,195 3.5% 961 102DCR. The next dam, Goldust Cosmo Leanna-ET, Excellent-90%, has three lactations over 22,000 lbs. milk and made her best record of 30,650 lbs. milk, 1,622 lbs. fat and 1,067 lbs. protein at 4-4. Her Very Good-89% sixth dam has an m.e. average of 21,618―1,033―847 on two lactations. Her Excellent-93% seventh dam has 26,950 lbs. milk, 1,224 lbs. fat and 1,028 lbs. protein at 6-2.
In all, 35 Jersey breeders from 19 states made purchases. Four Jersey breeders from New Mexico led the way, purchasing five lots for $72,900. A pair of Oregon Jersey breeders purchased four head for $22,800.
Planning for the All American Jersey Sale was carried out by the All American Jersey Sale Planning Committee beginning in March. The committee was comprised of chair Aaron Horst, Chambersburg, Pa., and associate chair Joel Albright, Willard, Ohio, and 32 other volunteers from across the country.
$4,200 Raised for National Jersey Queen Fund
Jersey breeders also rallied to raise money for the Charlene Nardone National Jersey Queen Fund. In all, $4,200 was generated for the fund from three separate efforts.
First, the 11 contestants in the 2020 National Jersey Queen Contest and then reigning National Jersey Queen, Gracie Krahn of Albany, Ore., collected $1,300 in donations toward purchase of a heifer that had been donated to the All American Jersey Sale for the cause by Endres Jazzy Jerseys, Lodi, Wis.
At the sale itself, Dave and Rita Hogan of Misty Meadow Dairy purchased the heifer, JX Jazzy Minko 8404 {4} for $1,500 to add to the total and donated her back to be resold. In this go-around, Sexing Technologies placed the final bid of $1,400 to bring her home to their facility in Navasota, Texas.
“Minko 8404 {4}” is a November 2019 daughter of JX Faria Brothers Minko {4}-ET, GJPI +82. She has GPTAs of +106M, +21F and +23P and is +68 for GJPI. She tested A2/A2. Her high-component dam is a Very Good-84% daughter of JX Faria Brothers Vandrell {2}-ET, GJPI +52, with 18,290 lbs. milk, 1,107 lbs. fat and 721 lbs. protein at 2-9. The next three dams are appraised Very Good as well. Her fourth dam, Rosies Barber Barbie, Very Good-88%, has 27,020 lbs. milk, 1,216 lbs. fat and 953 lbs. protein at 5-0.